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お知らせ / Announcement [トップページ / Top page]
It is with our deepest sorrow that we announce the passing of Masayuki Tawarayama on June 6, 2020.
サイト管理者 / Site admin
It is with our deepest sorrow that we announce the passing of Masayuki Tawarayama on June 6, 2020.
サイト管理者 / Site admin
2020-06-29 14:18
俵山昌之 Masayuki Tawarayama (b) 1963-2020 [プロフィール / Profile]
俵山昌之クインテットおよびTOWER STATION (タワー・ステーション) のリーダーを務めたほか、納谷嘉彦サムライ・ビバップ・トリオ、五十嵐一生カルテット、岡淳 (まこと) カルテット、福井ともみトリオ、中川ひろたかグループ 等のグループで活躍。
2010年、「スイングジャーナル」誌 ベース部門 人気投票で7位に選出された。
Masayuki Tawarayama, born in Tokyo in 1963, started to play music when he was in middle school, and his first instrument was the acoustic guitar. He then took up the electric bass guitar when he was in high school. By age 19, he had started to play the double bass as a pro.
His first recording was at age 26 in the Mikio Masuda trio, led by Mikio Masuda on the piano and accompanied by Masahiko Osaka on drums.
Tawarayama had played with a number of prominent players including Yuji Ohno, Sadao Watanabe, Terumasa Hino, Yosuke Yamashita, MALTA, TOKU, and Kei Kobayashi, among others.
Tawarayama led the Masayuki Tawarayama Quintet and the TOWER STATION quintet. He also performed in the Samurai Bebop Trio, the Issei Igarashi Quartet, the Makoto Oka Quartet, the Tomomi Fukui Trio, and the Hirotaka Nakagawa Group.
Those who played with Tawarayama highly appreciated that his performance was very much reliable for its stable beat and elegant bassline.
In 2010, Tawarayama was chosen the seventh most popular jazz bassist in the annual survey conducted by "Swing Journal", a Japanese leading jazz magazine.
Tawarayama passed away on June 6, 2020.
・ウッドベース - 約150年前のフランス製 (製作者不詳)
・エレキベース - フォデラ・インペリアル、[フレットレス] クルーズ・ジャクソン・ファイブ
2010-01-24 12:42
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